Thanksgiving Prayers for Family and Friends: At any time of year, it is powerful to read a passage of scripture aloud to your loved ones before a meal. But on November 24, when you mix fellowship over food with offering gratitude, carrying out this Thanksgiving custom has more significance. You can share a Thanksgiving prayer, blessing, or Bible verse that touches on themes of appreciation and thankfulness with your Thanksgiving visitors if you and they are of the Jewish or Christian faith. These Thanksgiving sayings are a simple way to find the words to express how appreciative you are of having everyone you love gathered for a meal, regardless of which scripture you choose to read this year.
When considering how to pray on Thanksgiving Day, you can choose a prayer or two that has the ability to give strength to those Thanksgiving visitors who may need it, or you can have the little ones read out a Thanksgiving psalm. Before your visitors savor their mouthwatering home-cooked lunch, they may find some calm and thought after hearing the words of writers, rabbis, authors, theologians, and presidents. They might even start to include one of these Thanksgiving prayers in their regular daily prayers. In either case, even a single prayer for Thanksgiving creates the crucial pause after all the preparation and before the inevitable chaos over who gets the last drumstick or slice of pie.
Thanksgiving Day
Prayer is a wonderful way to express gratitude for your blessings, and Thanksgiving Day serves as a lovely reminder to do so. Thanksgiving prayers are a lovely opportunity to concentrate your thoughts and heart on what matters most, whether you are gathered around the dinner table with friends and family or the celebration is months away.
Let’s concentrate on what God has done, is doing, and will do for us in order to give Thanksgiving Day and every day of the year greater meaning. Below is a list of prayers you can use to express gratitude, encourage thankfulness, and give thanks before the holiday meal and all year long if you’re looking for prayer ideas for giving thanks.
Even if the year may have been full of brand-new worries and fears, taking time to be thankful helps us to focus on the things that really matter. The Bible informs us in Philippians 4:6-7 that when we pray with thanksgiving, the peace of God guards us. As you focus on God’s numerous promises and benefits, may these prayers of thanksgiving improve your life. Giving thanks in prayer can transform stress into calm, joy from despair, and solace from bereavement.
Thanksgiving Prayers for Family and Friends
Here, you’ll find a collection of our favorite thanksgiving prayers for family and friends that you can use any time of the year, not just on Thanksgiving. May these prayers assist you in expressing your sincere thanks for our Lord Jesus Christ’s mercies.
Psalm of Thanksgiving
All of the earth, shout for joy before the LORD. Come before the LORD with songs of pleasure; worship him with gladness. Recognize the divinity of the LORD. He created us, and now we belong to him; we are his people, his pasture’s sheep. Give thanks to him and praise his name as you enter his gates and enter his courts. Because the LORD is kind, his love endures forever, and he is faithful to all generations. Amen
Simple Prayer of Thanks
I want to take a moment on this Thanksgiving Day to give thanks to God for all the blessings in my life. For another day, for loved ones, for friends, and for having food on the table. We thank you for the little things that make us happy because you are the source of all good things. So that our lives are filled with adoration and delight, please help us to keep our gaze fixed on you now and every day. Amen.
Psalm of Praise
My soul, worship the LORD; all the depths of my being, exalt his glorious name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and do not forget all his favors. He is the one who forgives all your sins, heals all your illnesses, saves your life from the pit, crowns you with love and compassion, satisfies your wants with pleasant things, and makes you young again like an eagle. For every oppressed person, the LORD brings about justice and righteousness. Amen
Thanksgiving Prayer For All Things
We praise God for providing the food we are going to enjoy. And thank You for Your numerous blessings—both those we have seen and those we haven’t—on us throughout the last year. Thank You, God, for Your “no” responses. They have greatly increased our reliance on You. For the prayers that went unanswered, I thank God. It serves as a reminder that even when our opinions diverge, You know what is best for us. I’m grateful for the things you withheld. We may never be aware of what you have shielded us from. God, I thank You for closing the doors. They have stopped us from going to places that You would rather we not go. Lord, thank You for allowing bodily suffering in our life. It has made it easier for us to understand Your sufferings on our behalf.
Thank you, Lord, for the times when we are by ourselves. We have had to get nearer to You throughout those times. We are grateful for the uncertainty we have faced, God. They’ve increased our faith in You. Thank You, Lord, for saving us in situations where we had no idea we required help. Lord, we thank You for the losses we have endured. You are our biggest gain, they have served as a constant reminder. We are grateful to God for our tears. Our hearts have been kept open and pliable by them. God, we thank You for the moments when we haven’t had any influence over our circumstances. They have served as a reminder that You are supreme and seated on the throne.
Thank You, God, for turning what we view as a tragedy into a priceless treasure. God, thank You for sending people to be with You in heaven. Their absence from this world serves as a reminder to keep our focus upward. We are grateful to God for giving us an inheritance in the heavenly realms, which neither this world nor we could ever waste selfishly. God, thank You for giving us forgiveness via the atoning death of Your perfect Son on the cross in our place. This is the greatest gift You could ever give us.
God, thank you for crediting us with righteousness through the death and resurrection of Jesus. We could never achieve this righteousness on our own. Thank You for saving us from ourselves, our stupidity, our own limited insights, and our frailties in the light of Your power and strength, as well as for saving us every day of our existence.
God, we are grateful for everything You allowed and disallowed in our life during the past year. Because we renew our commitment to You today, we beg You to keep reminding us during the course of the upcoming year that You are God, that You are seated on the throne, and that You are inherently good. Finally, we thank You that we are able to pray in the name of Jesus, who made it possible for us to have access to You and a close connection with You. Amen. We pray that this Thanksgiving prayer may make your family happy and content this season. Use this prayer every day of the year to keep your thoughts fresh and your attention on God’s goodness.
Prayer for Gratitude and Thanksgiving
Thank you for your incredible influence on our lives and for the positive things you have done for us. Thank you for giving us hope in the face of even the most trying circumstances and empowering us to serve your causes. I appreciate all of your love and concern. I’m grateful for your grace and mercy. We are grateful for your constant presence and promise to never abandon us. We sincerely appreciate what you gave up so that we might live in freedom. Forgive us if we don’t express our gratitude to you enough for who you are, what you do, and what you’ve contributed.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds on you once more. Refresh our spirits and infuse us with your pleasure and happiness. You are needed today and every day because we adore you. We laud and appreciate you because only You are deserving, in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer of Thanks for Food and Family
We are grateful to God, our heavenly Father, for this meal. Thank You for allowing us to be together under one roof and take advantage of these blessings at Your hand. We also thank You for the hands that prepared it and the people gathered around the table to share it. We are aware that You are the source of all our possessions, and we are eternally grateful for this. We also thank You for what we don’t have this year because we know that You withheld it out of kindness and to keep us safe.
Thank You that You are a Good Father who loves to provide presents to Your children, according to the Bible. We are seated here to attest to Your goodness. We are grateful for today’s gift and for everyone who is present to share it with us. We pray in the mighty name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Thanksgiving Meal Prayer for Blessings Past and Present
We sincerely thank You for everything You have provided us over the last year, Lord God, not just for what is on the table but also for everyone seated here. We are grateful for relationships, memories, health, and laughter. Thank you for helping us to develop through the lessons we’ve learned and the emotions we’ve shed. In light of both good and terrible days, I sincerely appreciate Your support and presence.
We are grateful for what we have right now, for what we had yesterday, and for what You will provide us in the future. Let us never take that for granted, but rather let us always be appreciative of every wonderful gift You give us. May we live with hearts overflowing with gratitude today and every day. These requests are made in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving
My little vessel is as full as it can be, and I would like to pour forth all of that fullness before thee in an unceasing flow, O My God, Thou fairest, greatest, first of all. Ten thousand happy thoughts arise when I think about and talk to you; ten thousand sources of pleasure are unlocked; ten thousand reviving joys cover my heart, cramming into every moment of enjoyment.
I thank you for the body you gave me, for maintaining its strength and vigor, for giving sense so I can enjoy pleasures, for the ease and freedom of my limbs, for hands, eyes, and ears that carry out your commands; for thy royal bounty which provides for my daily needs, for a full table and overflowing cup, for appetite, taste, and sweetness.
For opportunities to spread happiness, for loved ones to share in the joys of heaven, for the social joys of family and friends, for the capacity to serve others, for a heart that understands sorrows and necessities, for a mind to care for my fellow men, and for my own expectation of clearly seeing thee. For what thou are to thine animals, I love thee more than words could ever describe. O my God, increase my love now and forevermore.
Prayer for God’s Blessing
Oh my God! I sincerely appreciate your amazing love and blessing in our lives. We are grateful that your kindness never ends and lasts for the rest of our lives. Please pardon us for occasionally forgetting that you are completely familiar with all of our habits, that you are aware of our worries, and that you protect us like a shield. We kindly ask that today we walk in your goodness and blessings. that we would see your face clearly. That you would unlock the appropriate doors to protect our lives and those of our loved ones, shut the incorrect ones, and shield us from those we need to leave behind.
Establish the results of our labor and complete what you have given us to perform in these moments. We ask that, as a result of your generosity and love, you make our steps sure and our path clear. Give us a heart of wisdom to hear your voice, and by your great favor and grace, make us strong, in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer for Daily Thanksgiving
Oh my God! I hate to admit it, but I’ve been known to complain and whine about all of my issues and hardships. Despite all of my problems, I haven’t been able to remember to be grateful or to give You thanks. God, please pardon me. No matter what comes my way, I want to be someone who praises You and keeps his or her focus on You. Thank you, God, for both these blessings and these difficulties (name them).
I am aware that You are in charge of everything. I am aware that You care about me and are working for my benefit. You have my trust, Lord. Teach me how to be a “praiser” who always sees the positive rather than a complainer who only sees the negative, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Scripture Prayer to be Thankful
Lord, help me to always have a grateful heart. I aspire to be like the Apostle Paul, who remained grateful even while incarcerated in a dark place. Despite the challenges in my life, I want to choose praise. [Listen to the challenges you are facing and give thanks for how God is utilizing them for your good.] Help me to increase my degree of adoration and gratitude. Help me to understand that having a grateful heart opens the door to blessings and that when I praise You, the enemy is driven out.
Through my lauds, I wish to exalt You and advance Your Kingdom. As I worship You, please help me to apply Your Word. I decide to live expectantly, pay close attention to Your guidance, and walk in Your serenity. Thank you for enabling me to express gratitude in any situation.