Religious Articles

Prayer for Family

Prayer for Family: The family is a divine creation, intended to serve God’s purposes and improve our lives. But ultimately, in this era of modern communication, the family stopped doing family prayers, neglecting to pray to God. The entire family will prosper if you concentrate on your prayers. So read through these family prayer ideas and incorporate them into your daily family life.

Good Bible Verse to Pray for my Family

Here are some Bible passages about family and the church that you should read if you’re looking for Bible verses to pray for your family:

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” Psalm 122:8

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:14-19

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. 1 Timothy 3:4

Prayer for Family

1. Thanking God for Family

God, we are grateful for the excellent moments we share with our families. Thank You for enabling us to spend time together. Thank You for allowing us to spend time with them every day.

Father, protect our good relationships while we are with our cherished families. Let there be peace in our families and compassion in each of our hearts. Teach us what it is to feel genuine joy and allow us to demonstrate it to one another.

Lord, You are our Prince of Peace and the Keeper of our Souls. May You always remind us to be peacemakers, particularly within our families. Protect us from hostile thoughts, and do not allow us be the source of disorder in our families. Every day, guide us as we go through life with our family, wherever we may be. All of this we request in Your Name, Amen.

2. Pray Before Family Mealtime

Father, We’ve met in Your honor to share a dinner. Thank You for bringing us together as a family and for this cuisine. Lord, please bless our bodies. We appreciate all of the presents you’ve offered to those gathered around this table. Allow each member of our family to use their talents for your glory. Direct our dinner conversations and our hearts to Your plan for our lives. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

3. Prayer for Family Healing

Dear God, we dedicate to you those members of our family who have become ill. We believe you are our Great Physician and Healer. May You bring consolation to our family members who are suffering physically right now. Lord, heal them with Your Healing Hands. Send out your Word to heal their ailments. Allow Your healing power to permeate every cell in their bodies.

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We also ask that you heal the members of our family who are suffering emotionally, Loving Father. Their ailment is not physical, but we know they are in pain. God, comfort them as well. Give them tranquility beyond comprehension. Lord, heal their souls, which may be filled with rage, hatred, discord, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Remove any uncertainty, anxiety, or depression from their minds. Lord, renew in them a gentle spirit. Amen.

4. A Family Prayer for Gratitude

Lord, teach us to be thankful for one another. Help my children to be thankful for one another, and our family to be thankful for one another and to pray for one another all the time. Our thankfulness for one another will bond us together as a family, and our prayers for one another will further unite us in gratitude and love.

5. Prayer for Family Guidance

Lord, guide us as we go about our daily lives. Be our shield as we return home later. May you always cherish our family ties, and may we look forward to seeing one another again at home.

God, protect our home as well so that no damage comes to it while we are abroad. May it always be a place of goodness, comfort, and love for all of us. Let it always be a place of rest for our tired bodies at the end of the day. Continue to keep us safe as we sleep, Lord. Allow no strangers or natural disasters to disrupt my sleep tonight. I believe in your enormous power to keep me and my family safe from all evil. All of this I pray in Your Name, Amen.

6. A Prayer to Remember God Fights for You Today

We know we’re never alone, because you’re always working on behalf of your children, sheltering, safeguarding, and strengthening them, exposing wicked deeds, bringing to light what needs to be known and shielding us from the terrible attacks we endure even when we’re not aware.

We pray for wisdom and insight to understand the enemy’s schemes and to stand firm against his efforts. We would appreciate it if you could remind us to pray regularly for all believers. We ask that you assist us in remaining vigilant in a dark environment. We beg that you help us to be salt and light, to be compassionate and courteous while remaining resistive to sin. We pray that you help us remember to put on your armor every day, because you provide us with all we need to stand solid in this day.

We praise you for being far greater than whatever we confront in life, and we have triumphed because you have set us free. We appreciate you for your assurance that “no weapon made against you will prosper.” Lord, we pray for your serenity, for your protection, and for your ongoing labor on our behalf. We request that you bring justice. We ask that you provide light, understanding that you reveal the dark’s acts. We are united in your big and powerful Name, believing that you are with us.

7. A Prayer of Blessing Over Those You Love

Thank you Lord for your wonderful love and blessings in our lives. Thank you for your unending favor, which lasts for the rest of our lives. Forgive us for forgetting that you are intimately familiar with all of our ways, that you know what bothers us, and that you protect us like a shield. We seek your guidance so that we may completely experience your bounty and goodness today. We request that your face shine on us. That you would open the proper doors for our life and the lives of our loved ones, close the wrong doors, and protect us from those we need to avoid.

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Establish the work of our hands and complete all that you have assigned to us in these days. We ask that you, in your goodness and love, make our path clear and our steps firm. Give us a wise heart to hear your voice, and make us strong through your abundant favor and grace. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

8. Prayer for Family Strength

You are our ultimate source of strength, Heavenly Father. You are powerful when we are weak. You help us when we are down. You replenish our strength, and we soar like eagles. Thank You, God, for always bringing us back to life with Your strong hands.

It is up to You, Lord, how strong our relationships with our families are. As a result, we beg You to always be the focal point of our family connections. Allow our families to be as strong as a triple-braided cord that cannot be broken. Fill our hearts with Your Spirit so that we can love one another as Christ loves us.

9. Prayer for Family Restoration

We also ask that You mend the ties that have been severed with some of our family members. We know, God, that there is nothing You would like more than for a feuding family to reunite. But, Lord, we also accept that we cannot achieve this on our own. We implore Your Holy Spirit to surround us with Your love in this regard. May we be full to overflowing with love and be able to share it with our families. Allow us to be channels for Your blessings to them. Lord, please repair our relationships in due time. All of this we ask in Your Name, Amen.

10. Prayer for When You Hurt Each Other

Thank You, Father, for family. You tell us that being alone is bad for us, so you’ve surrounded us with people who have an impact on our lives and move us away from the loneliness of solitude. Exodus 15:2 says, “The Lord is my strength and my song.” We must keep in mind that our family is not accountable for our happiness. They are not responsible for the state of our hearts and souls. They cannot control how we feel, nor can they enter our minds to comprehend the profundity of our feelings.

When we are misunderstood or misinterpreted by a family member, we feel helpless to argue our point. Help us to remember Exodus 15:2. You are our pillar of strength. The inability to filter our thoughts is a signal to surrender them to You. Please help us to be patient when You respond with silence. Inspire us to remember who You say we are via the power of Your Holy Spirit. Loved. Forgiven. Saved. Purposeful. One-of-a-kind.

Thank You for providing the comfort of family. A mother and father’s warm embrace, siblings, and extended relatives. Something about being related makes it easier for us to trust other people. When and if that trust is broken due to abuse or abandonment, we pray for your physical protection as well as Your care over our hearts and minds. Allow us to seek Your assistance and wisdom, as well as that of others who have been instructed to assist us in avoiding danger and injury. Anyone who intends to harm us or abuse us is not someone You want us to spend time with.

We admit all the words we wish we could change. Because of Adam and Eve’s error in the garden, our sinful nature can lead us down wrong pathways and into blunders we had no intention of doing. However, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are forgiven over and over when we confess to You in the name of our Savior. Help us to extend the same kindness to those who test our hearts and patience. Bless us with patience and wisdom, with the desire to seek You first and to speak kindly. When we are wrong, convict us and reinforce our commitment to apologize.

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Hurt within families can permanently damage relationships. But with Your help, anything and everyone can be restored. You are our savior. We find peace in You. Our faith is in You. And when we let go and let You select the path, our faith may draw us across any gap. “when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near” (Luke 21:5-28). Jesus is on his way. That is beyond a doubt. We desire to follow Him closely and intently until He returns to take us home or we return to Him in paradise.

It’s easy to become bitter in the middle of conflict and pain. Miscommunication might provide cause for severing a relationship like a dead tree branch. Payback and comebacks play over and over in our heads. On repeat, vindication. But God, You tell us to concentrate on You (Colossians 2:19). Allow the world to explain itself, but first allow us to listen to You.

God, You are there in the pain we cannot bear, do not understand, and want to run from. Hold us and help us. Help us to endure long silences until we are sure You have inspired our choice of words. Quicken our hearts to forgive, and to pray for those on the other side of disagreements. Bless those who hurt us, and help us to be a blessing that shines bright in Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

11. Prayer for Family Peace

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for refreshing our hearts and brains. Thank You for bringing Your Spirit to us so that we might show Your love to our families. We also thank You for providing us with our loved ones.

But, God, we also recognize that we are not always the peacemakers You want us to be. Our families have disagreements and fights from time to time. Sometimes we let anger, discord, and bitterness control our hearts, and as a result, we wind up hurting our family. We beg You, beloved Father, to pardon us for our crimes against our own family. Change our hearts so that they are truly loving.

Allow us, Father God, to provide the same forgiveness to those in our family whom we have harmed. Lord, humble us so that we may beg pardon without pride. We pray that You would also heal the wounds in their hearts. Touch their hearts so they will accept our requests for forgiveness. Amen.

12. Pray for Mom and Day to Set an Example for Our Children

Lord, I pray that the message of Christ and his sacrifice will be the source of my appreciation. That His wonderful gift inspires me to live gratefully, establishing a good example for my family and children. That they will one day have their own connection with Jesus, and that You will instill appreciation in their hearts as a result of accepting Jesus as their Savior. Allow us to accomplish everything in Jesus’ name and give thanks to You via Him.

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