MusicGospel Songs

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) by Hillsong United

“Broken Vessels MP3” by Hillsong United is part of the album “No Other Name,” which was released on July 1, 2014. The songwriters behind this beautiful piece are Joel Houston and Jonas Myrin. The genre of the song falls under contemporary worship music, a genre that Hillsong United is well-known for.

The music video for “Broken Vessels” is equally moving. It features live performance footage from Hillsong Church. The video is directed in a way that emphasizes the communal aspect of worship, showing the congregation singing along and engaging deeply with the song. This approach helps to convey the song’s message of brokenness and healing through grace.

The song speaks of being broken and scattered, yet gathered and made whole through mercy. This is central to the song, as it moves from a place of brokenness to one of restoration. The chorus, which incorporates the well-known lines from “Amazing Grace,” reinforces this message of redemption. The repetition of the phrase “I once was lost, but now I am found” serves as a reminder of the grace that is available to all.

“Broken Vessels” has been widely embraced by the Christian community and is often used in worship services around the world. Its message of grace and redemption resonates with many, making it a favorite among worship leaders and congregations. The song’s ability to connect on a deep emotional level is one of the reasons it has remained popular over the years.

Broken Vessels MP3 by Hillsong United is a song that beautifully captures the themes of grace and redemption. Its lyrics, inspired by “Amazing Grace,” speak to the power of mercy and the journey from brokenness to wholeness.

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Listen to Broken Vessels by Hillsong United


Lyrics: Broken Vessels by Hillsong United

All these pieces
Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered
Mended and whole
Empty handed
But not forsaken
I’ve been set free
I’ve been set free

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

Oh I can see you now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this heart, Lord
I’ll be Your vessel
The world to see
Your life in me

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

Oh I can see you now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

Oh I can see you now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

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Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

Oh I can see you now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

Oh I can see you now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

Oh I can see you now
Oh I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

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